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Insaniquarium! Deluxe Forum


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lvl 1-3 1-5 use stinky,scratchy,pre...

lvl 1-3 1-5 use stinky,scratchy,prego lvl 2-1 2-5 use zorf,prego,that crab guy(i forgot his name) lvl 3-1 3-5 use the whale (i just forget) the clam guy (told ya i forget)that angler guy(im stupid today dont you think) lvl 4-1 4-5 (tank 5-1 is when cyrax comez)use blip,(not prego cuz breeders)whale cuz the two headed guy and the angler fish(im the most stupidest person today)

These are our legacy forums. Please go to the game walkthrough and scroll to the bottom for our new forums.